Family fun

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kids photography halifax, photos, children, pictures, family, antigonish, cape breton, new glasgow, PEI, halifax wedding photography

kids photography halifax, photos, children, pictures, family, antigonish, cape breton, new glasgow, PEI,  wedding photography

kids photography halifax, photos, children, pictures, family, antigonish, cape breton, new glasgow, PEI,halifax wedding photography

kids photography halifax, photos, children, pictures, family, antigonish, cape breton, new glasgow, PEI, halifax wedding photography

kids photography halifax, photos, children, pictures, family, antigonish, cape breton, new glasgow, PEI,halifax wedding photography

kids photography halifax, photos, children, pictures, family, antigonish, cape breton, new glasgow, PEI, halifax wedding photography
kids photography halifax, photos, children, pictures, family, antigonish, cape breton, new glasgow, PEI, halifax wedding photography

I had so much fun last Saturday photographing this super cool family in Antigonish. Jacob is one of Erico’s (my son) best friends and we really enjoy having him around. During the football season this year I had the pleasure to hang out with Jodi and Jordon a lot watching the games and cheering for the Renegades. I have to say Jordon became one of my favorite persons ever! Jody has been super supportive and is always cheering me up. So I do love this family!
Jordan and Jacob are really sweet boys and they didn’t even complain when Jodi showed up to the photoshoot with a bag full of wigs! They were such good sports and I just had a blast! It was raining a bit, but the pictures turned out super cool, we barely noticed the bad weather. Thank you Jodi, Jacob and Jordon for being so much fun!

Specializing in senior portraits, family photography, and natural beauty portraits of women.

Light Bubble Photography is based on Columbus, Ohio. Eunice is an experienced photographer, offering both on location outdoor sessions, and in studio portraits.